2024 National Trails Day Event Host Survey Email Contact Info First Name (Primary Contact) * Last Name (Primary Contact) * Email (Primary Contact) * Organization/Trail Club Name Organization Type Bureau of Land Management National Park Service US Forest Service US Fish and Wildlife Service State Park/Forest Trail or Hiking Club Other Event Review National Trails Day® Event Location Was this the first year you or your organization have hosted a National Trails Day event? No, we’ve done this before Yes, this was new What was the estimated number of participants at your event? How did the participation numbers compare to your expectations? Attendance was lower than expected. Attendance was as expected. Attendance was higher than expected. Which methods did you use to promote your event? (Choose all that apply) E-newsletter Flyers/Mailers Posters Press Release Social Media Website (other than American Hiking’s website) Other On what did your event primarily focus? Raising awareness and fundraising for my organization/trail/park Trail/park/river clean-up and/or improvements/maintenance Social justice as it relates to the outdoors Having fun Other Where was your event located? (choose the option that best describes the location) Urban Sub-urban Rural Backcountry Did your event . . . (check all that apply) Include information in the promotional materials concerning accessibility for those with disabilities? Include activities accessible for those in wheelchairs or using other mobility assistance devices? Include activities specifically designed for those with disabilities (of any kind)? Include an ASL interpreter for speeches or other relevant parts of the event? Include language in the promotional materials indicating that all of any gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, ability, etc. are welcome? Include translation into location-relevant languages in the promotional materials, event signage, etc.? Occur at a location easily accessible by public transit (or include free transportation to the event)? Include activities for families with small children? Ensure that activities were not divided into binary gender classifications (i.e., there weren’t separate activities for men, women, boys, and girls)? Include domestic pets (cat, dog, other)? What was the estimated number of participants at your event? What was the estimated number of pet participants (dog or cat) at your event? Rate your experience with the following: Event registration process on the AHS website Event search function in the AHS NTD event database Event host email updates from AHS Event host guide from AHS NTD promotional toolkit from AHS How can AHS better support and promote your event next year? Please share any stories, anecdotes, or quotes about your event (add attribution if applicable). We’ll be sure to share those stories to help further your goals. Anything else you’d like to share about your experience with National Trails Day 2023? Please share the best three photos from your event that we can share to promote NTD next year. Please provide who we should provide photo credit to (10 MB Size Limit per photo) photo 1 photo 1 caption and photo credit photo 2 photo 2 caption and photo credit photo 3 photo 3 caption and photo credit