Lost Outdoors

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Staying “found” and what to do if lost. Ever have a feeling of being lost in life? Well, taking a long hike may be…

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Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Protect yourself against these potentially dangerous insects. Summer brings warm weather and great hiking. Unfortunately, ticks appreciate the season as much as we do…

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Sun Safety

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Enjoy the sunshine safely. Hiking offers overwhelming health benefits for those who take to the trail but the dangers associated with spending too much…

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Lightning Safety

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF When lightning strikes, make sure you are out of the way. Most of us have witnessed the awe-inspiring beauty of lightning shows: entire clouds…

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Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Learn more about the bugs you’ll find out in the backcountry. STINGERS Insects such as bees, wasps, yellow jackets and hornets can leave painful…

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Snake Bite

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Tread carefully around these reptiles to avoid injury. Just as trails come in many different shapes and sizes, so do the creatures you might…

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Plant Safety

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Avoid unncessary injury by identifying dangerous plants. As nice as the many pretty flowers you see on the trail may be, you should always…

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