Wilderness Position Statement

Wilderness Boundary sign for the Emigrant Wilderness Area

Overview The Wilderness Act of 1964 established the National Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS), to “secure for the American people of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource…

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Recreation Fee Policy 

National Park Passport, map, and a set of park patches

Overview As the national voice for America’s hikers, American Hiking Society promotes and protects foot trails and the hiking experience. American Hiking Society is committed to working cooperatively with Congress,…

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Hiking Trails Position Statement

hiker walks across a wood board walk in the forest

Philosophy Hiking has long been an important outdoor activity, whether as a means of exploration, exercise or reflection. The act of setting foot down a path through natural areas provides…

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Advocacy Tips

GENERAL ADVOCACY TIPS Follow these tips to communicate with your legislators about trail and hiking-related issues important to you: LETTERS, EMAILS, AND FAXES Personal letters are considered the most effective…

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America’s Great Outdoors

“And when we see America’s land, we understand what an incredible bounty that we have been given. And it’s our obligation to make sure that the next generation enjoys the same…

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