Support Letter for Continental Divide Trail Completion Act (S. 4995)

We are thrilled to share our excitement and support for the opportunity to complete the Continental Divide Trail (CDT). The hiking community thanks you for your leadership on the Continental Divide Trail Completion Act and encourages all Senators to act today to protect the major watershed of the North American Continent and a crown jewel for millions of hikers, recreation users, and gateway community residents.

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Trails Community Letter of Support for National Scenic Trails Parity Act S.2964

We are writing on behalf of the National Trails Community to express support for the National Scenic Trails Parity Act, S. 2964, (Parity Act) introduced by Senator Baldwin. We represent National Scenic and Historic Trail co-managing non-governmental organizations with extensive experience co-managing our National Scenic and Historic Trails with our agency partners in the federal and state governments and the millions of users and volunteers that recreate on and steward these trails.

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Statement in Support of America’s Outdoor Recreation Act of 2022 (S. 3266) Sections

On behalf of American Hiking Society and the 57 million strong hiking community who enjoy the trails and green spaces in their communities, we write in support of the committee’s advancement of the America’s Outdoor Recreation Act of 2022 (S. 3266), and the sections highlighted below, which will support hikers, trails, public lands, and the outdoors by expanding outdoor recreation access and bringing much needed improvements how the public accesses these spaces.

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