AHS Leads Trail Community Efforts for Increased Federal Funding for Trails!

Year-round, AHS leads the trails community in coming together to call on Congress to fund our nation’s trails through annual appropriations. The timely and adequate funding of the government is essential in ensuring public lands and trails have the resources required to provide the recreation, health and wellness, economic, and multitude of other benefits that these places provide. Thankfully, we finally have a year-long funding bill that has become law!

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25th Annual Hike the Hill Brings Together Hiking and Trails Community for Collective Advocacy

Over 120 hikers and trail advocates from across the country came together this month for the 25th Annual Hike the HillⓇ advocacy event. This annual event, celebrating its 25th year, co-hosted by American Hiking Society and Partnership for the National Trails System brings together hikers, leaders of the National Trails System and the trails community writ large and next gen advocates to collectively advocate for shared priorities of the trails system before congress and federal agency leaders.

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Transit to Trails Act- Take Action

Underserved communities across the country don’t have access to outdoor spaces. Transportation to our public lands and open spaces are one barrier that prevent many from accessing all the benefits trails and green spaces provide. Removing barriers and increasing access for urban and rural areas is critical. The Transit to Trails Act can provide a crucial transportation option to and from trail heads!

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Trails Community Recommendations for FY22 Appropriations Conference

On behalf of the millions of diverse trail users our collective organizations represent, we thank the Senate and House Appropriation Committees for meeting with and responding to our request for prioritizing trail inclusive funding in the FY22 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations legislation. As discussions between the House and Senate are underway to reconcile the legislation for final passage, and enactment, we request that final legislation include the preferred funding levels and report language outlined below.

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American Hiking Society Statement for Senate Energy and Natural Resources Outdoor Recreation Legislation Hearing 12-2-21

United States Capitol Building. White pillar building with large dome overhead.

On behalf of American Hiking Society and the 57 million strong hiking community who enjoy the trails and green spaces in their communities, we write in support of the following legislation under consideration by the committee which will support hikers, trails, public lands, and the outdoors by expanding equitable outdoor access.
S. 2887, Outdoors for All Act
S. 1269 Environmental Justice in Recreation Permitting Act
S. 1229 Simplifying Outdoor Access for Recreation Act (SOAR Act)
S. 2258 Parks, Jobs, and Equity Act

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AHS Comments-Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities through Recreation Opportunities (DOI)

On behalf of American Hiking Society (AHS) and the 57 million strong hiking community we thank the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) for the opportunity to participate in the public listening sessions and submit comments on how DOI can advance racial equity and support for underserved communities through recreation opportunities as part of its implementation of Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.

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