Accelerating Veterans Recovery Outdoors Act (H.R. 2435) Letter of Support

Across the country, veterans returning from wartime experiences turn to our hiking trails and public lands for their therapeutic benefits in assisting in the transition back to civilian life and reintegration into society. The Accelerating Veterans Recovery Outdoors Act is important to hikers, the broader outdoor recreation community, veteran service organizations, and the environmental community because it will work to expand outdoor access for our veterans.

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Arizona Trail- Border Wall

CBP announced their plans to construct two miles of border barriers through the Coronado National Memorial and across the Arizona National Scenic Trail.

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AHS Comments on Dept. of Interior Electric Motorized Bicycle Proposed Rules

Electric Bicycle resting on the kickstand in the Nevada desert

Agencies within the Department of Interior, including Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Bureau of Reclamation have requested comments on proposed rule making that would expand electric motorized bicycle use. In June 2020, American Hiking Society submitted comments on these proposed rules to each agency.

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