Coast Redwoods #1 Travel Destination: Plan your trip!

Lonely Planet named their top 10 U.S. travel destinations for the year. Can you guess what claimed the number one spot? …Drumroll please… It’s the coast redwood range(external link) We couldn’t be happier that Lonely Planet is sharing what Save the Redwoods League has known for 100 years: The coast redwoods are a must-see destination for everyone.

We're thrilled to share this news and to announce that Save the Redwoods League launched a brand new Explore Redwoods trip-planning tool to help you plan your next trip out into these incredible forests. Whether you are a first-time visitor ready to take in the world’s tallest trees, or you are a long-time lover of the redwoods who’s looking to discover new hidden gems in the parks, this trip-planning tool allows users to locate a park that’s right for them and find out what to do there.

Did you know there are over 100 redwood parks throughout the coast redwood and giant sequoia ranges? Explore Redwoods can help you find the park that’s right for you. There’s so much to discover from California’s breathtaking redwood coastline to the ancient giants nestled within some of the state’s oldest parks.

Getting into the parks will be even easier in 2018. In celebration of the League’s Centennial year, Save the Redwoods League invites everyone to experience the sights and sounds of more than 40 of California’s redwood state parks — for free! Learn more about the Free Redwoods Days program and download your free parking pass.

So lace up your hiking boots and get ready to hit the trails. Your redwood adventure awaits!

Article by Jennifer Benito-Kowalski who joined Save the Redwoods League in 2007 as the Director of Outreach, charged with leading the organization's marketing communications and outreach efforts to connect people to the peace and beauty of the redwood forests.