Snake Bite

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Tread carefully around these reptiles to avoid injury. Just as trails come in many different shapes and sizes, so do the creatures you might…

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Plant Safety

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Avoid unncessary injury by identifying dangerous plants. As nice as the many pretty flowers you see on the trail may be, you should always…

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Fire Safety

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Make your campsite even cozier with a safe, responsible fire. One of the best ways to relax at the end of an overnight hike…

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Hot Weather Hiking

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Stay cool and safe when the weather is neither. In many locations, summer is a great time for hiking. Sometimes, however, the weather can…

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Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Drink enough water to stay safe outside. Prevention The best way to prevent dehydration is to consciously drink water slowly over several hours before…

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Hunting Season

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Be safe on the trail when sharing it with hunters. Fall is a fantastic time to enjoy a nice hike on the trails. Cooler,…

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Personal First Aid Kit

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Make your own first-aid kit to put with the 10 Essentials. One of the most important items among the 10 Essentials is a first-aid…

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