National Trails Day® History

American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day® History Historical Timeline October 2, 1968 – President Lyndon B. Johnson signs into law the National Trails System Act, establishing national recreation, scenic and…

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National Trails Day®

June 1, 2024 A Day of Service for Hometown Trails and the People Who Love Them Host Event Find an Event Take the Pledge Sponsors About NTD Promote NTD You…

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240 Organizations Support Robust Funding for Trails in FY25

On behalf of American Hiking Society and the millions of trail users our collective 240 organizations and entities represent who spend their time, money, and energy to get out on trails for recreation, health and wellness, and to volunteer, we thank the Committee for the opportunity to provide testimony on the importance of adequately funding our nation’s trails and public lands to ensure access for all

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