Support the companies who support us! Scroll down to see our generous corporate sponsors and funding partners.
American Hiking Society's corporate sponsors and funding partners provide significant support to our conservation and awareness programs and share a strong commitment to protecting trails across the country.
We offer customized, annual sponsorship packages for businesses of all sizes and kinds, with a level to suit every budget. We are also looking for product donations that will contribute to the success of our trail stewardship and outdoor recreation programs – and will simultaneously enable your product to gain exposure. For companies seeking another type of involvement, we are now offering modestly-priced advertising space in our monthly e-newsletter, Paperless Trail. All three of these avenues offer valuable opportunities for your company to connect with AHS members and supporters.
View American Hiking Society's Partnership Guide to learn more about how your business can help protect trails and the hiking experience, and contact Kristin Oliver, Director of Corporate and Foundation Partnerships, at