Alternative Break Financial Assistance Application

American Hiking Society's Alternative Break financial assistance grants your school group the opportunity to participate in an  Alternative Break. If selected, your group will participate in a week-long service trip that provides leadership training, team-building opportunities, outdoor skills instruction from leaders in the field, and critical conservation work to a park or forest in need.

Alternative Break financial assistance is need-based. All are encouraged to apply, but priority will be given to groups that have historically faced barriers to accessing outdoor programing.

The financial assistance includes:

  • 1-week indoor lodging
  • $750 Group food stipend
  • Up to $3,000 Group travel stipend (or $300/person for 10 people)
  • Support for Trip Gear Needs
  • Gregory backpacks for each participant (up to 10)
  • Long-sleeved shirt
  • Training and project supervision from experienced park staff
  • Logistical support and meal planning guidance

Your group must have a MINIMUM of 6 and a MAXIMUM of 10.
Financial Assistance Recipient Requirements:
-Group Size of 10
-18+ years of age
-Group is responsible for arranging travel ($3,000 travel stipend provided)
-Group is responsible for purchasing and preparing food ($750 food stipend provided)
-Group must be willing to provide photos and/or video from the week


Please list someone that we can contact to provide a reference for your group. It can be an adviser, professor, mentor, etc.