Volunteer Vacation Crew Leader Application Name First Name * Last Name * Email * Street Address * City * State * – Select Province/State – Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Northwest Territories Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon ==================== Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Postal Code * Preferred Phone * References Reference 1: Full Name * Connection to Reference 1 * Reference 1: Email * Reference 1: Phone * Reference 2: Full Name * Connection to Reference 2 * Reference 2: Email * Reference 2: Phone * Background Date of Birth Gender Female Male Non-binary/Third gender Other Prefer not to specify Pronouns (Select all that apply) He/Him/His She/Her/Hers They/Them/Their Prefer not to specify Other, please specify What is your ethnicity? (Select all that apply) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latinx Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Not represented above Occupation Describe your current PHYSICAL CONDITION/ACTIVITY LEVEL * Do you currently have any medical or physical conditions that are relevant to outdoor activities that may impact your leadership abilities or participation on a trip? * Yes No Outdoor/Leadership Experience Have you participated in an AHS Volunteer Vacation or other trail stewardship trip in the past? * Yes No Explain your past LEADERSHIP experience relevant to this position * Describe your past HIKING experience * Describe your past CAMPING and/or BACKPACKING experience * Describe your past TRAIL MAINTENANCE experience * Check any skills or CURRENT certifications you have that are relevant to outdoor activities, leadership, or trail maintenance CPR First Aid Leave No Trace NOLS or Outward Bound Graduate Please list other applicable skills we should be aware of We are happy to hear anything else about you that might be relevant to this position At American Hiking Society (AHS), we envision a world where everyone feels a sense of belonging in the hiking community and has lasting access to meaningful hiking experiences, be that in urban, frontcountry, or backcountry settings. To ensure we are truly moving toward our vision where everyone feels a sense of belonging in the hiking community, it is our responsibility to understand and address historic and current barriers, disadvantages, and mistreatment experienced by people as they hike or consider hiking. It is our responsibility to serve as a catalyst for positive change in service of a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive (JEDI) hiking community. It’s imperative that our crew leaders share and encourage this sentiment and are supportive of our full commitment to hikers.  By submitting this application you are confirming you have read AHS’s commitment to hikers and will share in these efforts for positive change in service of a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive hiking community.