Glen is a retired stream gager/hydrologist with the US Geological Survey. With more than 30 years of professional field work in a wide variety of environments across the USA, he was stationed in Georgia, Nevada and Oregon over his career. Glen has been on 5 AHS volunteer vacations. In 2018, Glen has been recently active and out on 30 days of Trail Keepers of Oregon (TKO) trail crews in the Columbia Gorge (post 2017 fires) and attended Crew Leader School at TKO in August 2018.
Glen has a lifetime of experiences in BSA as youth (cub scouts, Boy Scouts, Eagle, Explorer) and 20 years as an adult leader, (assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chair High adventure leader). He's led, planned or participated in a dozen 50 mile BSA backpacking trips. With friends he's backpacked the 464 miles of the PCT in Oregon, large portions of the John Muir Trail, climbed several PNW peaks and hiked large sections of the Appalachian Trail. He backpacks about 150 miles a year, at least.