Volunteer Spotlight: Bill Morgan
Bill Morgan “DocWillieC” has completed 19 Volunteer Vacations with American Hiking Society since his first trip in 2005. His trailname is Downhill Bill because he doesn’t like uphills.
Bill grew up fishing and canoeing with his dad, and has always liked his solo peaceful time in nature. His passion for the outdoors started when he began his medical training in North Carolina.
“Aside from my family and my professional life as a physician, Volunteer Vacations probably gave me as much pleasure as anything else, over a span of 15 years.” Bill now hails from the Central Florida west coast where they’re fortunate to be in close proximity to wonderful state parks.
When his friends ask him what he does on a Volunteer Vacation, Bill shows them before and after pictures of the projects.
Bill’s greatest appreciation of AHS is the friends he has made on VV trips that he still keeps in touch with. He met his hiking partner, Rodolfo “Rod” Loreno, on a Volunteer Vacation. They were bunkhouse roommates in Douthat park in Virginia, and have hiked together ever since–from Florida to Idaho and many trips in Virginia.
In describing the AHS mission, Bill says, “It all comes back to the hiking. You’re enjoying an experience that AHS has provided, and they can provide it because volunteers and donors like me support them. The most important thing is to lobby to keep trails remaining in force.”
Join AHS on a Volunteer Vacation this year, or donate to make it possible for others to volunteer.