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Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness – Volunteer Vacations 2021
September 12, 2021 - September 18, 2021
Trip Navigation

Volunteers will help maintain sections of the Border Route Trail / North Country National Scenic Trail (BRT for short) that are in need of basic maintenance work. This entails using hand tools to remove blowdowns and clear brush from the trail corridor. We will be working on about a roughly 5-mile stretch of the BRT within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and the worksite will be remote. The most difficult tasks will be 1) portaging on the way in/out and 2) doing the clearing work. Portaging is the act of carrying all your personal gear, some of the group gear, plus the canoes and tools over rough trails in between the lakes. This trip will entail 1 portage on the way in / out and maybe one additional portage during the daily work.