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Moab – Volunteer Vacations 2021
October 17, 2021 - October 23, 2021
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Participants will repair some of Moab’s most iconic hiking trails, including but not limited to Fisher Towers, Grandstaff Canyon, and Corona Arch (all of which are National Recreation Trails). Moab’s hiking trails are heavily visited and in rugged terrain. They often require frequent major repairs as well as constant maintenance so that visitors from all over the world are afforded an enjoyable hiking experience. Participants will repair and improve the trail tread surface on the trails, as well as mark the trails more adequately. Trail work will include cribbing, constructing stone steps and creating and repairing water bars. Participants will enjoy stunning scenery on all of the trails chosen for repair and will receive gratitude from visitors from the world over. The day-to-day work will be supervised by a member of the Moab BLM Recreation Team and will be planned by a professional hiking trail designer on staff. Participants will camp at a BLM-provided group site near the work locations.