Ways to Give
Working together, we can protect the places you love to hike.
Monthly Giving
Small, affordable donations add big muscle to our efforts to protect the places you love to hike.
Noah Silliman
Mick Haunt
Annual Giving
Executive Director’s Council
$5,000+ Ambassadors Level
$2,500 Partners Level
$1,000 Founders Level
$500 Leadership Level
$250 Trail Level
$100 Hiker Level
Members of the Executive Director’s Council are defined by their consistent leadership and service to American Hiking Society. They demonstrate a tangible interest in shaping the future of our environment and the protection of public lands and are leading the efforts of fellow donors, members, volunteers, and friends. An annual gift of $500 or more to AHS qualifies one for the Executive Director’s Council. There are four levels within the Council’s recognition society: Leadership Level (represents gifts of $500 to $999), Founders Level (represents gifts of $1,000 to $2,499), Partners Level (represents gifts of $2,500 to $4,999), and Ambassadors Level (represents gifts of $5,000 and above). Gifts made on an annual basis between January 1 and December 31, AHS’s fiscal year, will be recognized.
$5,000 and above
Inclusion in the AHS Annual Report
Special Invitation to State of AHS sessions
Complimentary registration to AHS’s Hike the Hill
Complimentary registration for two participants to an AHS Volunteer Vacation
First Look at Schedule of Volunteer Vacations
Inclusion in the AHS Annual Report
Special Invitation to State of AHS sessions
Complimentary registration to AHS’s Hike the Hill
Complimentary registration for one participant to an AHS Volunteer Vacation
First Look at Schedule of Volunteer Vacations
Inclusion in the AHS Annual Report
Special Invitation to State of AHS sessions
Complimentary registration to AHS’s Hike the Hill
First Look at Schedule of Volunteer Vacations
Inclusion in the AHS Annual Report
Special Invitation to State of AHS sessions
First Look at Schedule of Volunteer Vacations
Inclusion in the AHS Annual Report
Eligible to receive a one year subscription to Outside magazine
Special Invitation to State of AHS sessions
Inclusion in the AHS Annual Report
Eligible to receive one year subscription to Outside magazine
Special Invitation to State of AHS sessions
Executive Director’s Council Lifetime Membership
Executive Director’s Council Lifetime Membership recognizes and honors American Hiking Society’s most generous donors for their cumulative and consistent support. The Lifetime members of the Executive Director’s Council are the philanthropic leaders of American Hiking Society, and their impact is significant. Individuals have the opportunity to qualify for Lifetime Membership by establishing endowed scholarship funds to benefit Alternative Break student participants or can achieve their Lifetime status solely through their long-standing support of American Hiking Society. This society honors donors who have cumulatively given $25,000 or more in any of the following forms: planned gifts, outright gifts, new pledges, and matching gifts. The Executive Director’s Lifetime members plan a large role in bringing to life the mission of American Hiking Society and empowering all to share, preserve, and protect the hiking experience.
Lifetime membership in the Executive Director’s Council includes—recognition groups based upon total cumulative gifts, commitments, and memberships (until membership model is phased out):
Visionary ($5,000,000+)
Legacy ($1,000,000 - $4,999,999)
Benefactor ($500,000 - $999,999)
Fellow ($100,000 - $499,999)
Steward ($50,000 - $99,999)
Advocate ($25,000 - $49,999)
Holly Mandarich
Benefits of Giving to AHS
Give to American Hiking Society today and help build and maintain hiking trails, conserve America’s natural landscapes, build a more inclusive outdoors, and ensure that tomorrow’s hiking experience is even better than today’s. Your gift makes you part of a growing hiking community helping to protect the places you love to hike.
You can make an annual gift or join our Summit Club and donate monthly. Small, affordable donations made regularly add big muscle to American Hiking Society.
With a gift of $100 or more, you're eligible to receive a one year subscription to Outside magazine.
Frequently Asked Questions
Roger Ashley
The Alliance of Hiking Organizations
American Hiking Society’s Alliance of Hiking Organizations is a network of trail groups, hiking clubs, land trusts and other organizations working to promote and protect hiking trails, trail lands, and the hiking experience. American Hiking Society and its Alliance are the primary force in pressing for increased funding for trails and protecting places special to hikers.
Membership Benefits
Dan Holz, Osprey
"L.L.Bean encourages people to be good stewards of the environment. We applaud American Hiking Society’s efforts to establish, protect, and maintain America’s foot trails. We are proud to sponsor the National Trails Fund, to support a variety of projects at the local level with much-needed resources.”
Janet Wyper, Community Relations Manager, L.L.Bean
If you are with a corporate brand and wish to inquire about an annual sponsor partnership with AHS, please send an email to hkleinolson@americanhiking.
Austin Neill
Workplace Giving
If you are a federal employee, you can support American Hiking Society through your workplace. AHS’s CFC number is 11784.
Matching Gifts
If your employer has a matching gift program, please consider having your gift to American Hiking Society matched by your workplace. Your gift can be doubled or tripled at no additional cost to you. Find out here!
Gift of Stock or Appreciated Securities
Please contact Heather Klein Olson, Executive Director at 301.565.6704 ext. 701 or hkleinolson@americanhiking.org for information on how you can give a donation of stock or appreciated securities to American Hiking Society.
Bequests and estate planning options
Please consider including American Hiking Society in your legacy of giving. Please contact Heather Klein Olson, Executive Director at 301.565.6704 ext. 701 or hkleinolson@americanhiking.org for more information on how you can experience the rewards of making a planned gift.