Hikers Make their Voice Heard with #VotePublicLands

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This election year, the 44 million-strong hiking community came out in force to #VotePublicLands! In doing so hikers joined nearly 160 million Americans in making history by breaking the record for most voters in a presidential election!

You registered to vote, made a voting plan, got up to speed on Vote Public Lands wordmark on setting sun in a desert canyonthe top issues, and cast your ballots for public lands and trails, equitable access to the outdoors, and the climate! Hikers activated across social media sharing why this election was important to them and encouraged others to make their voices heard as well!

The work isn’t done! As we look to 2021 American Hiking will bring together the hiking community to work with the new administration and Congress to advance our advocacy priorities to empower all to enjoy, share, and preserve the hiking experience and protect the places you love to hike!

Building upon the success of this year with the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act, an urgency to create more equitable access to the outdoors, and an increased recognition of the importance of the outdoors, we will strive for:

  • Increased funding for our trails and public lands to ensure they are maintained and accessible for all to enjoy;
  • Passage of the Transit to Trails Act to increase transportation access to underserved communities across the country that don't have reliable access to public lands;
  • Passage of the Outdoors for All Act and increased funding for the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) program to expand local outdoor open spaces in the communities that need them most;
  • Restoring protections to national monuments (like Bears Ears) and expanding protections to new areas;
  • Expanded outdoor recreation access and trail maintenance through the implementation of the Great American Outdoors Act;
  • Addressing the climate crisis through a public lands inclusive solution;

As this work unfolds we hope you will join us in these efforts! American Hiking will continue to provide the tools you need to take action and contact your elected officials and keep you informed on the most recent advocacy developments!

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