Kids’ Corner

Welcome to the Kids’ Corner! Hiking is fun for people of all ages. Not only is it a great way to explore all that nature has to offer, but it…

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Threats to Trails

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Understanding the threats to trails and hiking. Every year, trails are at risk due to a wide variety of factors. Knowledge of these threats…

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Health Benefits of Hiking

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Hiking is more than just fun. It’s good for you, too! Countless studies and research have consistently shown that regular exercise not only improves…

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Starting a Hiking Club

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Protect your local trails by organizing a group to take care of them. If you have a trail in your community, a great way…

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How to Save Trails

Click here for a printer-friendly PDF Get involved and protect the nation’s trails for the future. America’s public lands are one of the nation’s great achievements. Each year people from…

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Economic Benefits of Trails

Click here for printer-friendly PDF Trails and national parks are good for economic growth. Protecting trails concerns more than just the preservation of our nation’s flora, fauna, and greenways. Our…

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