FY23 Trail Funding Public Witness Testimony of American Hiking Society, on behalf of Trails Community (Senate)

FY23 Senate Testimony of: Kathryn Van Waes, PhD., Executive Director, American Hiking Society and with the full support of American Trails, American Motorcyclist Association, Back Country Horsemen of America, Equine Land Conservation Resource, International Mountain Bicycling Association, National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy

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Leave the Trails Community Better Then You Found It By Supporting Equitable Access to Trails

American Hiking Society's National Trails Day® June 4 2022 grassy trail aerial sunset

Take the next step of the National Trails Day Pledge by sending a message to your Members of Congress!

There’s something magical about being outdoors. Fresh air, birds singing, moving along a trail or even just around the block – there’s nothing quite like it. But today, those trails and public spaces are in dire need of help —and not everyone has access to these places that can calm and inspire. National Trails Day® is the perfect opportunity to call on Congress to pass the Transit to Trails Act to make sure everyone can enjoy the outdoors by reducing transportation barriers and increasing equitable access..

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National Volunteer Week

In celebration of National Volunteer Week, we want to truly and deeply thank each and every American Hiking Society volunteer for their support, time and commitment to protecting our nation’s…

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Trails Community Recommendations for FY22 Appropriations Conference

On behalf of the millions of diverse trail users our collective organizations represent, we thank the Senate and House Appropriation Committees for meeting with and responding to our request for prioritizing trail inclusive funding in the FY22 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations legislation. As discussions between the House and Senate are underway to reconcile the legislation for final passage, and enactment, we request that final legislation include the preferred funding levels and report language outlined below.

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