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Cumberland Trail State Scenic Trail
April 26, 2020 - May 2, 2020
Trip Navigation

The Cumberland Trail State Scenic Trail (CTSST) is a backcountry hiking trail that extends from a northern terminus at Cumberland Gap National Historical Park across eleven Tennessee counties along the Cumberland Plateau, to a southern terminus at Signal Point, part of Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park in Signal Mountain, Tennessee. Of 322+ planned miles of trail, over 215 miles are currently open for public use. When complete, the trail will connect three national Parks, three Tennessee State Parks, five State Natural Areas, multiple Wildlife and Resource Management areas, and a Tennessee State Forest. The Cumberland Trail will be Tennessee’s contribution to the Great Eastern Trail, which will cross nine states and 1,800 miles, extending from Alabama to New York. The Cumberland Trail is a work in progress. There are various projects the AHS Team will be involved with. Projects such as trail construction and maintenance, bridge construction support, trail head construction and development. The specific project(s) will be chosen before the AHS arrival which will be determined by the work completed in the fall and winter.