Hiking Resources
Get the information you need to feel confident on your next hike.
Joel Cross
American Hiking Society has partnered with the Hiking Project to help you find trails and featured hikes you’ll love. The Hiking Project is a crowd-sourced platform, which means that all trails are shared by hikers like you. If you don’t see trails near you now, keep checking back. And better yet, why not share your favorite local hikes?
Trail Ratings:
  Easy: walking with no obstacles and low grades
  Intermediate: 10% grade, small rocks and roots, easy scrambling
  Difficult: 15% grade, large obstacles, possible scrambling or climbing
  Extremely Difficult: 20% grade, 15+" obstacles, many harder sections
Featured Hikes:
Sometimes it's hard to pick the perfect hike right off the map. Browse through Hiking Project's highest rated hikes to see which trails other hikers are ranting and raving about.
Download the Trail Info:
take the info with you on your next hike. Download the maps and trail info to your mobile device for offline use. Remember to pin the trails before you leave cell service.
Give to American Hiking Society Today
Help build and maintain hiking trails, conserve America’s natural landscapes, build a more inclusive outdoors, and ensure that tomorrow’s hiking experience is even better than today’s. Your gift makes you part of a growing hiking community helping to protect the places you love to hike.
Lionello Delpiccolo
Hiking Resources for Your Next Hike

Before You Go

Callistus Ndemo
All About Trails
AHS Statement In Support of Great American Outdoors Act (House)
American Hiking Society Urges House Support of the Great American Outdoors Act. Great American Outdoors Act Addresses Both Full Funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Public Lands Maintenance Backlog
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If you’ve done any hiking, camping, or backpacking, you’re probably familiar with the 10 Essentials you should always have on you. There’s a lot to say about this life-saving checklist…
Read MoreJustice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and AHS: Update on Our Journey
On May 30, in the midst of national protests against systemic racism and police brutality against Black folks, American Hiking Society released the following statement on social media, with a…
Read MoreAHS Comments on Dept. of Interior Electric Motorized Bicycle Proposed Rules
Agencies within the Department of Interior, including Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Bureau of Reclamation have requested comments on proposed rule making that would expand electric motorized bicycle use. In June 2020, American Hiking Society submitted comments on these proposed rules to each agency.
Read MoreAHS Statement In Support of Great American Outdoors Act (Senate)
American Hiking Society Urges Support of the Great American Outdoors Act. Great American Outdoors Act Addresses Both Full Funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Public Lands Maintenance Backlog
Read MoreIn Solidarity, AHS Suspends Promotion of National Trails Day®
In Solidarity, AHS Suspends Promotion of National Trails Day® 2020 In its quest to be an ever-stronger ally, so as not to take space from the very important discussions and…
Read MoreNational Trails Day® 2020 Goes Virtual
America’s Largest Trails Event to Feature Pledge to Preserve Trails, Fight for Access to Green Spaces Each year people all across the country unite on the first Saturday of June…
Read MoreThe Outdoors, At Home
The Outdoors, At Home We’ve compiled a running list of what we are reading, watching, and listening to as we dream of future adventures on the trail. Books Long Trails:…
Read MoreJamison Sliger
American Hiking's Alliance of Hiking Organizations is a network of trail groups, hiking clubs, land trusts and other organizations working to promote and protect hiking trails, trail lands, and the hiking experience. American Hiking Society and its Alliance are the primary force in pressing for increased funding for trails and protecting places special to hikers.
Learn about organizational membership benefits and join the Alliance today.
You may sort our list of Alliance members below by any column, by clicking on the up/down arrows in the header.
Organization Name | City | State | Website | Membership Type |
Adirondack Forty-Sixers | Plattsburgh | NY | http://www.adk46er.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
American Endurance Ride Conference | Auburn | CA | http://www.aerc.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Arizona Trail Association | Tucson | AZ | http://www.aztrail.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Bay Area Ridge Trail Council | Berkeley | CA | http://www.ridgetrail.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Between the Hills Conservancy | Purcellville | VA | http://www.blueridgecenter.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Blue Ridge Bartram Trail Conservancy | Franklin | NC | http://ncbartramtrail.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Camp Tuscazoar | Zoarville | OH | http://www.tuscazoar.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Carolina Mountain Club | Asheville | NC | http://www.carolinamtnclub.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Cayuga Trails Club, Inc. | Ithaca | NY | http://www.cayugatrailsclub.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Champlain Area Trails | Westport | NY | http://www.champlainareatrails.com | Alliance, BRONZE |
Chinook Trail Association | Vancouver | WA | http://www.chinooktrails.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Columbia Land Conservancy | Chatham | NY | https://clctrust.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Connecticut Forest & Park Association | Rockfall | CT | http://www.ctwoodlands.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Finger Lakes Trail Conference, Inc. | Mt Morris | NY | http://www.fingerlakestrail.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Florida Trail Association | Gainesville | FL | http://www.floridatrail.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Friends of Congaree Swamp | Columbia | SC | http://www.friendsofcongaree.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Friends of Panthertown | Cashiers | NC | http://www.panthertown.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Gallatin Valley Land Trust | Bozeman | MT | http://www.gvlt.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Headwaters Trail System | Three Forks | MT | https://threeforksmontana.us/headwaters-trail | Alliance, BRONZE |
Horse-Shoe Trail Conservancy | Harrisburg | PA | http://hstrail.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Klickitat Trail Conservancy | Lyle | WA | http://klickitat-trail.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Louisiana Hiking Club | Baton Rouge | LA | http://hikelouisiana.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
National Coast Trail Association | Eugene | OR | http://www.coasttrails.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Natural Bridge Appalachian Trail Club | Lynchburg | VA | http://nbatc.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
NC High Peaks Trail Association | Burnsville | NC | http://www.nchighpeaks.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Norfolk Land Trust | Norfolk | CT | http://norfolklandtrust.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Northwest Youth Corps | Eugene | OR | http://www.nwyouthcorps.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Ozark Highlands Trail Association | Fayetteville | AR | https://ozarkhighlandstrail.com | Alliance, BRONZE |
Pacific Crest Trail Association | Sacramento | CA | http://www.pcta.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Palmetto Conservation Foundation - Palmetto Trail | Columbia | SC | http://www.palmettoconservation.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Potomac Heritage Trail Association | Sterling | VA | http://www.potomactrail.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Red Lodge Hiking Club | Columbus | MT | Alliance, BRONZE | |
Southern Blue Ridge Hikers | Highlands | NC | Alliance, BRONZE | |
Victor Hiking Trails, Inc. | Victor | NY | http://www.victorhikingtrails.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Visit Mississippi | Jackson | MS | http://www.visitmississippi.org | Alliance, BRONZE |
Washington Trails Association | Seattle | WA | http://www.wta.org | Alliance, BRONZE |